Drum Cap Seals

drum cap seals

Qiming Packaging is a leading manufacturer specializing in the production of high-quality metal cap seals, plastic cap seals, and snap-on drum bung cap seals. Drum cap seals, also referred to as drum bung cap seals, are lightweight metal or plastic caps designed to securely crimp over the bung openings of drums using a sealing tool (plastic cap seals do not require crimping). These seals are tamper-evident, meaning they must be destroyed to be removed, making it easy to detect any unauthorized access.

Qiming Packaging provides a comprehensive range of drum cap seals suitable for both steel and plastic drums, available in either tinplate or plastic materials. We aim to be your trusted supplier of drum accessories in China. Our drum cap seals are specifically designed for 200-liter or 55-gallon steel closed-type drums. Additionally, the same cap seals are now being used for 20L tin pails and small-to-medium-sized tin pails with drum closures and bungs. This demonstrates the versatility of our products, as they can be applied in various scenarios where a reliable seal is required, provided the appropriate size is selected.

If you are unsure about the correct size, we are happy to provide samples for your further confirmation. At Qiming Packaging, we are committed to delivering durable and reliable sealing solutions tailored to your needs.

Metal cap seals

drum cap seals

Plastic cap seals for plastic drum

Plastic cap seals for steel drum

plastic drum cap seals